4th International Student Conference of Conservation and Restoration of  Works of Art

6th - 8th of November 2019 Cracow, Poland




Dear Bachelor, Master and Ph.D Students!


We would like to invite you to take part in the 4th International Student Conference of Conservation and Restoration of  Works of Art that will be held on 6th – 8th of November 2019 (Wednesday – Friday) in Cracow, Poland.

Last edition of the Conference (in 2016) was a great opportunity to share experience with students of art conservation from around the world. There were more than 250 participants from Poland, The Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Belarus, Hungary, Croatia, France, Great Britain, Mexico, Brazil, Greece, Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Ukraine. Around 60 participants had presented their scientific works in the form of presentations and posters. We truly have enjoyed seeing all of them!

This year we would love to gather together once again and to create space for young researchers who want to take the first step towards a scientific career, be a part of the international debate on current conservation-restoration issues or to just meet inspiring people and have a good time in the surrounding of magnificent monuments of Cracow. One of them, the most unique gothic masterpiece, the Veit Stoss Alterpiece is being the theme of this year’s conference. The ongoing complex conservation of the altar will be great opportunity to discuss the meaning of the interdisciplinary research on the works of art.

The conference is dedicated to students of conservation-restoration studies and related fields such as physics, chemistry, architecture, art history etc. Works regarding the topic of the interdisciplinary research and conservations science are welcomed. Participants can present their achievements (outcomes of projects or research students took part in, case studies, thesis, scientific papers) in the form of oral presentation (with a PPT presentation) or as a poster.

The official language of the Conference is English. The participation is free of charge. Presented works at the conference will be published.


We are looking forward to see you in Cracow!

Conference Committee


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Application for oral presentation and posters: 30th June 2019

Submission of the full text of the oral presentation for publication: 30th October 2019

Submission of the digital version of the poster for publication: 30th October 2019

Submission of the PPT presentation: 3rd November 2019

APPLICATION FORM: (załączony plik word: application_form)




for oral presentation: (załączony plik pdf: oral_presentation_guidelines)

for poster: (załączony plik pdf: poster_guidelines)

for references: (załączony plik pdf: references_guidelines)

Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie | pl. Jana Matejki 13, 31-157 Kraków | +48 12 299 20 00 |

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