Drodzy Studenci!


Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w kursie Letniej Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Salzburgu. Poniżej znajdziecie informacje na temat warunków oraz udziału w stypendiach. Termin składania aplikacji upływa 8 kwietnia 2015 roku.


Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts 20 July – 29 August 2015: Deadline for applications: 8. April 2015


The Summer Academy offers numerous grants, covering tuition fee to participate in one of its 21 courses. Application deadline for grants is 8 April 2015. Please upload your application here - http://www.summeracademy.at/content.php?id=94&;lang=en


"The production of meaning" is the motto of this year's International Summer Academy course programme. We ask about the sense of our (individual or social) conduct, and how meaning can be produced with artistic (critical and curatorial) resources. The courses will be directed by internationally renowned artists like Doug Ashford, Bernhard Martin, Nora Schultz or Tobias Zielony and theorists like Jennifer Allen or Joanna Warsza.


Teachers in 2015

Jennifer Allen, Doug Ashford, Varda Caivano, Bernhard Cella, cinéma copains – Arne Hector / Minze Tummescheit, Adriana Czernin, feld72, Ben Katchor, Tomasz Kowalski, Maha Maamoun, Raimundas Malašauskas, Bernhard Martin, Marc Monzó, Irina Nakhova, Peter Niedertscheider, Jayce Salloum, Elisabeth Schmirl, Nora Schultz, Joanna Warsza, Nicolas Wild, Tobias Zielony.


Regular application

The Salzburg Summer Academy is open to anyone interested. The high quality of the courses is guaranteed by the requirement that all prospective participants must apply for acceptance. On the basis of the submitted dossier, the teaching artists select participants. The fees are between € 440.- and € 1,160.-, depending on the duration of the course. Students are entitled to a reduced fee. All applications received by 15 May 2015 will be treated equally. Later applications are welcome, and will be processed in the order received, according to vacancies in the courses.


Click here   www.summeracademy.at/content.php?id=136&lang=en for further details.



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Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie | pl. Jana Matejki 13, 31-157 Kraków | +48 12 299 20 00 |

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