Central Academy of Fine Arts w Pekinie (CAFE) w dniach 5-6 grudnia 2015 r. zorganizowało 1st International Forum of Printmaking Art School Deans (IFPASD). Na konferencji pojawili się prelegenci z z 10 uczelni zagranicznych i 10 chińskich wśród nich obecny był Dziekan Wydziału Grafiki ASP w Krakowie, prof. Krzysztof Tomalski.

Pełna lista wystąpień na forum


Wśród prelegentów znaleźli się:
Alicia Candiani, Director of Argentina ’ace International Artist in Residence Program
Brian Shure, Assistant Professor of Printmaking at US Rhode Island School of Design
CAI Feng, Dean, Printmaking Department, China Academy of Fine Arts
DENG Yaoming, Dean, Printmaking Department, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Faisel Abdu ’Allah, Tandem Press& professor of The University of Wisconsin-Madison
GUO Jianwen, Dean, Printmaking Department, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
Karen Oremus, Head of Graphic Program at UAE Zayed University (Abu Dhabi)
KONG Guoqiao, Deputy Dean, School of Fine Art at China Academy of Fine Arts
Kristien van de Oever, Head of The Dutch AGA Amsterdam Printmaking Studio
Krzysztof Tomalski, Dean, Graphic Art Department, Krakow Academy of Fine Arts
LI Chuan, Dean, Printmaking Department, Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts
Machael Kempson, Senior Lecturer and Convenor of Printmaking Studies at The University of New South Wales Art & Design in Sydney
Peter Bosteels, Dean, Graphic Design, Belgium Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp
Sonoyama Harumi, Head of Japan ARUMI Printmaking Studio
WANG Huaxiang, Dean, Printmaking Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts
WEN Zhongyan, Dean, Printmaking Department, Academy of Arts & Design at Tsinghua University
XU Baozhong, Dean, Printmaking Department, Luxun Academy of Fine Arts
YANG Feng, Dean, Printmaking Department, Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts
Yohan Yotov, Head of Department Graphic Art at Bulgaria National Academy of Arts
ZHANG Fang, Dean, Printmaking Department, Nanjing University of the Arts
ZHANG Guanghui, Dean, Printmaking Department, Hubei Academy of Fine Arts




pikto IFPASD


Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie | pl. Jana Matejki 13, 31-157 Kraków | +48 12 299 20 00 |

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